
The end of strep?

Today (Wednesday) Jaelyn had her tonsils taken out by Dr. Smith. At this point she is on the couch feeling sad due to the pain, but she has been very brave through the entire ordeal.
We are all hoping this will bring an end to the ever-occurring strep throat infections she has had multiple times a year.

Marcia, David & Amy purchased a Webkinz leopard to stay with her throughout the surgery. Kerrie pitched in a great shirt for the leopard so that it wouldn't have to suffer the indignities of the open-back scrubs they made Jaelyn wear. Addison has tried to be a supportive brother, but he often runs from the room when Jaelyn cries because he can't stand to see her tears. We're working on that.

We don't have an interesting picture to post. Google images were just too disturbing. We try to keep this blog at a PG rating.

Thanks to all those who prayed so earnestly all day for Jaelyn and her doctors. We really depended on prayers and God's peace throughout the day.


Anonymous said...

Jaelyn - I know you have been very brave through this operation you have had, and I am so proud of you for that! I hope you feel better really soon...I am praying for you. Miss you, Aunt Andrea

Daniel Rudd said...

love you jaelyn, thanks for the great conversation yesterday. i know it was a sacrifice to talk with a sore throat. can't wait to see you.

Lynn Rudd said...

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. They mean a lot right now.

Thanks for the note, Aunt Andrea! Throughout the surgery process we talked a lot about you and Marianne, wishing you were our nurses...
