
Katie Sams Gets Married

Roomate and friend Kate, she who provided us with Grandma's Endless Garage Sale Toaster, which, though broken we continue to use four years later. She of the steady stream of wild and hilarious friends streaming into and out of the basement. She of the endless parade of heretofore unthinkable treasures for our children with each visit to Canton. She of Los Angeles, Abercrombie and the Vineyard...

got married this weekend. It was a long delightful celebration, where my picture taking actually rivalled my prolific mother's.

This small sampling, though, focuses on the cute ring bearer and flower girl. click to enlarge

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Jaelyn loved her Grandma - made - dress and the princess-esque crown that Katie added to the package.

1 comment:

Andrea Wagenmaker said...

Jaelyn and Addison -
You both look so amazingly grown-up! Definitely the cutest flower-girl and ring-bearer duo I have ever seen. We miss you so much and can't wait to see you soon.
Love you, Aunt Andrea