Lately, I don't ever feel proud to be American. I feel privileged, but usually sad at the greed, materialism, violence, and fear that seems to motivate our way of life. What country is better off with those exports we attempt to send around the world?
While I was in Chicago at a conference, I was swept up into the immigrant march on the 'Day without Immigrants'. It was FANTASTIC! (Ok, I wasn't exactly swept up. I was supposed to be going to another conference session, when a group of immigrants walked by on their way to the march, and I decided to bag the conference and go observe the march instead...) There were about 300,000 people marching that day. There was no violence, and I didn't see anyone getting arrested for showing his/her viewpoint. That made me proud....until I thought of our government's response to the immigration problem in our country. Every moment is fleeting and the next set of emotions is for another time...