
Lynn's New Job

historic Timken High School

So Lynn started her new job with the Canton City Schools as literacy coordinator for Timken Academy. When I first met her, she couldn't really conceive of teaching in an urban school. Now she's not only devoted to working in that setting, but she also is a passionate advocate for justice in that setting. Yesterday she quizzed a visiting Ohio Dept of Education on the inequities that "No Child Left Behind" is creating for this (and many other) schools.

A position couldn't be more perfect for her growing interest in integrating literacy across the curriculum for adolescents. This is exactly what this job enables her to do. It's a perfect combination of her training, her developing interest and her growing passions for urban schools.

I feel lucky to be married to somebody who's not only so gifted, but also so able to be SO MANY different things to so many different people...

Cue Ben Folds -- "The Lucky One"...

Timken's New Building -- Lynn's Center for Learning will be here.

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