
2005 Update

Thanks for taking time to catch up with the Rudds! We are really sorry we couldn't have one-on-one conversation with all of you....over hot drinks...beside a warm fireplace...with fresh-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies....

In the spirit of blogging, we decided to go with the list format instead of the verbose narrative... Hope this helps sketch the year for you.

Favorite Book
Lynn: Kite Runner
Andrew:Fundamentalism and American Culture
Jaelyn: Leo the Lightening Bug
Addison: David books & Arthur books

Josh Elek & Jaelyn revelling at our fav Ice Cream - ROS!

Favorite Movie
Lynn: Bride and Prejudice
Andrew: Top 5? Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Me, You & Everyone We Know; The Bicycle Thief; 8 1/2; The Return (sorry!)
Jaelyn: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (old version)
Addison: The Incredibles

Favorite Smell
Lynn: sunscreen
Andrew: pumpkin spice candles or garlic lingering on my fingers
Jaelyn: lilacs
Addison: cookies

Mary & Lynn celebrating Passover in Alabama

Favorite Food
Lynn: homemade granola (The Leon family recipe)
Andrew: chicken stock (I made about 20 gallons this year)
Jaelyn: macaroni and cheese & hot dogs
Addison: mom's cookies

Favorite Place to Walk
Lynn: on the beach
Andrew: Downtown in ______ Urban Center (this year: Chicago, Boston, Nashville, Grand Rapids, Pittsburgh)
Jaelyn: to the cemetery
Addison: in my backyard, to my swings

Addison contemplates the meaning of Life...and Ice Cream

Favorite Activities to do in any Spare Minute
Lynn: go running
Andrew: writing screenplays & blogs
Jaelyn: cuddling with my mommy, swimming
Addison: cooking, playing video games

Favorite Music
Lynn: Drunkard's Prayer (Over the Rhine)
Andrew: Sufjan Stevens
Jaelyn: "El Rincon" music (any Latino music)
Addison: Sound of Settling (Death Cab for Cutie)

When Dads get the haircuts their kids request.

Favorite Web Obsessions
Lynn: AliasMedia
Andrew:One Pot Meal
Jaelyn: Read It To Me
Addison: Boowa and Kwala

Favorite New Corner of the Globe
Lynn: San Antonio's Riverwalk
Andrew: The Village Idiom (bookstore in Hessel, MI)
Jaelyn: the beach in MI
Addison: both Grandma's and Grandpa's

Favorite Date Night Activity
Lynn: eating and talking at Angelo's or Pataya
Andrew: yeah. eating and talking at Angelos or Pataya or Gateway to India -- and walks around the park afterward -- laughing. I like it when we laugh together.
Jaelyn: playing with John Shell (favorite babysitter)
Addison: John Shell

Favorite Family Additions

Nephews Will & Isaac